
Grace Ingebretsen Siewers ENLS 250 21 May 2021 A Microcosmic Example of Totalitarianism in Seraphima’s Extraordinary Adventures “You are ascending.”  ––Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn By attempting to exert ultimate control over Seraphima’s most intimate spiritual life, the orphanage in Seraphima’s Extraordinary Adventures acts as a microcosmic example of a totalitarian regime. More specifically, the orphanage, by expelling… Continue reading Untitled

materialism v. spiritualism

In the third chapter of the third part, the lieutenant in Graham Greene’s The Power and the Glory represents a very materialistic reality because his thoughts are trained solely on the material outcomes of his actions. Conversely, the priest represents a reality infused with a deep sense of spirituality because, in everything he does at… Continue reading materialism v. spiritualism

2 paragraphs for essay 2

By attempting to exert ultimate control over Seraphima’s most intimate spiritual life, the orphanage in Seraphima’s Great Adventures is a microcosmic example of a totalitarian regime. In this regime, one’s inner-world is subject to examination by the ruling entity. The enemy of a totalitarian regime is independent, private thoughts and beliefs. When one has access… Continue reading 2 paragraphs for essay 2

prelim materials THF essay 2

Plan. For my essay, I will focus on the film Seraphima’s Extraordinary Adventures. I will rely on Aleksandr Solzehnitsyn’s three features of totalitarianism in asserting my central claim that Seraphima’s orphanage acts as a microcosmic example of a totalitarian regime. Especially focusing on the ideas that “only material results matter” and “survive at any cost,”… Continue reading prelim materials THF essay 2

spirituality vs. materiality

Seraphima’s Adventure and Solzhenitsyn’s chapter “The Ascent” are both commentaries on the ways in which materiality is viewed in both a spiritual and physical context. Throughout both works, the reader/watcher is constantly invited to question the ultimate importance of their material world. Is success defined by wealth? Property? Reputation? Or can success be understood on… Continue reading spirituality vs. materiality

fear and individuality

In this ninth chapter of the second part, Dostoevsky writes a portrait of fear in the context of totalitarian rule. Right before his outburst, Stepan notes that “in our country they can take you, put you in a kibitka, and march you off to Siberia for good, or else forget you in some dungeon…” (Dostoevsky… Continue reading fear and individuality

Perception, Reality and Control in Orwell’s 1984

The killing of man’s individuality, of the uniqueness shaped in equal parts by nature, will, and destiny, which has become so self-evident a premise for all human relations that even identical twins inspire a certain uneasiness, creates a horror that vastly overshadows the outrage of the juridical-political person and the despair of the moral person.… Continue reading Perception, Reality and Control in Orwell’s 1984

internal hypocrisy

Totalitarian ideology is internally hypocritical because it masquerades as a harbinger of equity when, in actuality, it brings with it a withholding and surprisingly indulgent nature. In Orwell’s 1984, Julia brings Winston clandestine gifts of coffee and tea, varieties of which Winston believed to be unattainable. “‘How did you manage to get a hold of… Continue reading internal hypocrisy

preliminary materials: essay 1

Topic. In my essay, I will be focusing on the themes of language, including the soulpower of contemplation and the crucial role of language in thinking, and the theory of totalitarian philosophy versus the practical consequences of it.  Draft of enthymeme thesis. Orwell’s distaste for totalitarian rule is evident through his treatment of language and… Continue reading preliminary materials: essay 1