surveillance and technology

Although Orwell’s novel is usually considered to be a rumination on what could be, it is much more accurate to classify 1984 as an accurate prediction of our current reality. Particularly the themes of thoughtcrime and constant surveillance in the book augment the clandestine use of such practices in our modern world.  A common refrain… Continue reading surveillance and technology

isolation, distrust and dehumanization

The themes of isolation, distrust and dehumanization are woven throughout the eighth chapter of Ji Xianlin’s The Cowshed: Memories of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Totalitarianism inspires and demands the existence and constant performance of these three things because it is how consolidated power remains consolidated.  The chapter begins with a reference to Lu Xun “who… Continue reading isolation, distrust and dehumanization

a skewed sense of justice

The theme of justice, or perverted justice, was prevalent in both Witness and Rio Bravo. In both cases, justice was bastardized because the person who was meant to deploy it was more focused on proving himself right. Both the Sheriff in Rio Bravo and the prosecutors conducting the cross examinations of Alger Hiss during his… Continue reading a skewed sense of justice


The theme of community––both false and true––runs through the readings for today. Totalitarianism relies on “the masses” remaining in their classless, nebulous positions, therefore fabricating a sense of communal understanding and interest. However, a community that comes to fruition by means of force or compulsion pales in comparison to true, human community. On page 475… Continue reading Community

A Reaction to Solzhenitsyn

I found Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s commencement address to be very interesting. At times I disagreed, at times I fervently agreed and sometimes I even found myself laughing. The experience of listening to his speech felt a bit like a firework show with no grand finale. I would agree with his argumentation just up until his conclusion,… Continue reading A Reaction to Solzhenitsyn

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